Data Reduction Services

Data reduction is a simple task that most of us are familiar with: converting audio to data, or vice versa. We convert phone conversations to text, to emails to web pages, voice mail, and so on. Audio data (or audio data for that matter) can be input into data reduction software, converted, organized, and analyzed in the same way. Data reduction is a lot more involved than it seems at first glance.

Audio into Data

For starters, one has to be conversant with the different methods and means of converting audio into data, namely voice recognition, automated transcription, speech recognition, transcription ion, and the like. A data reduction service doesn’t just apply these methods to audio data. It also applies to any data, such as medical records, court transcripts, legal documents, etc. Data reduction methods are therefore not specific to any one field. For instance, medical transcriptionists are perhaps the best-trained in converting audio recordings into text. They are, however, not data scientists whose primary job is to analyze the data and identify patterns and relationships between the audio data and the cases in which they appear. Thus, medical transcriptionists need a different set of skills from data scientists. But data-reduction services are available for just about any imaginable type of data. If you are looking to learn more about how to clean background noise from audio, then we have a great article you can read.

Data Reduction Companies

Data reduction companies provide the analytical tools and processes necessary to organize, process, analyze, and communicate the collected data. For instance, some data reduction companies handle criminal records, court hearings, and other similar non-emergency data types. The same is true for different data types, including those that deal with human health and safety. The point is that the right company specializes in data reduction for its particular field. This will ensure that all of your needs are met. The first step to take is to analyze the audio data. While it would be more appropriate to send it to an outside company for handling, it may not be possible to extract useful information or discover exciting trends. Thus, data reduction services should specialize in analyzing audio data. One way to determine this is to look for specialized software for audio manipulation and extraction. If the software is too complex for your situation, choose a more straightforward program. After the analysis has been completed, the data will need to be transformed into meaningful data. There are many options for doing this, but Excel is probably the most popular tool. Data reduction companies use Excel to map the audio data onto a particular column in Excel. The mapping process is known as transformation and is essential in making it easy to analyze the data. A data-reduction specialist can easily perform the necessary changes on your behalf to make the analysis a lot easier. Another standard option for data reduction is to analyze the data through mathematical processes. One popular form of this method is logistic regression. This is based on mathematical equations that state the probability of different variables occurring over time. A data reduction firm will apply the mathematical process results to the audio data and derive useful statistical information about the likely effects of the variables.


Finally, data reduction services should also provide reports on the results of their processing. While the fundamental analysis may not be free, at least the processing results will be helpful. You can expect some of the things from these reports: sample data, text separation, alignment, formatting, plot management, and other miscellaneous factors. All of these provide a handy means of examining your data reduction output and identifying areas for improvement.

Start An Audio Cleanup Project